Typography | Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

30 Oct 2023 -  6 Nov 2023 | (Week 6 - Week 7)
Chan Xiang Lam | 0358400 
Typography | Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 
Task 2 | Typographic Exploration & Communication (Text Formatting and Expression)


    1. Lectures
    2. Instructions
    3. Exercises
        - Task 2| Text Formatting & Expression
    4.  Feedbacks
    5.  Reflections
    6.  Further Reading


All lectures 1 to 7 completed in Task 1



Task 2| Text Formatting and Expression

For this  task , we were required to select one of the three provided texts and express its content typographically. In this task we will need to design a two page editorial spread, the spread should include the heading, subheading and body content provided. 

    1. Sketches 
    I have selected the third text, "Unite to Visualise a Better World," and commenced the process of sketching my ideas for the headline. I placed particular emphasis on highlighting the word "Unite" for the heading.  
Figure 2.1.Headline Sketches

    2. Digitization
    After completing the initial sketches, I promptly moved on to digitizing them using Adobe Illustrator.

Figure 2.2 Progress of Headline type expression 

Figure 2.3 Final Digitalized of my Headline

    3. Layout Progress

Figure 2.4 Drafts


Font/s: Futura Std
Type Size/s: 200pt , 60pt
Leading: -
Paragraph spacing: -

Font/s: Futura Std
Type Size/s: 9 pt
Leading: 12.5
Paragraph spacing: 4.41 mm 
Characters per-line: 45
Alignment: Left Align

Margins: 12.7mm top, 10mm left + 10mm right + 8.8mm bottom
Columns: 3
Gutter: 5mm

Figure 2.5 Final Text Formatting & Expression - jpg | Week 7 (6/10/23)

Figure 2.6 Final Text Formatting & Expression - pdf | Week 7 (6/10/23)

Figure 2.7 Final Text Formatting & Expression (grids) - jpg | Week 7 (6/10/23)

Figure 2.8 Final Text Formatting & Expression (grids) - pdf | Week 7 (6/10/23)


Week 6 (30/10/23) :
General Feedback - Focus on one word to express in headline. Align your text, aiming for consistency between the headline and right-aligned body text on the same line.  

Specific Feedback - The initial design of the headline wasn't satisfactory, prompting me to reconsider my approach. With some feedback from Mr. Vinod, I ultimately achieved a design that met my expectations.

Week 7 (6/11/23) :
General Feedback - Completed Task 2 and posted the final outcome on the Facebook page for review. Mr. Vinod also reviewed and provided feedback on all students's tasks.

Specific Feedback - Ensure the layout is tidy and avoid cluttered text. Use the same font consistently and adjust spacing appropriately—neither too far apart nor too close together.


Engaging in this task provided an invaluable learning experience, equipping me with the skills to craft effective layouts while adhering to the principles of typography. While I encountered challenges, particularly with headlines, the iterative process ultimately led to a design that resonated with me.

Throughout the process of arranging text and shaping layouts, I recognized the critical role of alignment in establishing a foundation of structure and coherence. This alignment, especially in matters of hierarchy, emerged as a fundamental aspect of layout design.

This task underscored the paramount importance of precise alignment in creating impactful layouts. It emphasized the need to avoid centering headings in the gutter to prevent potential misalignment in the final printed form. Furthermore, I gained a deeper appreciation for the complexity and intricacy inherent in crafting layout designs.


  • "Typographic Design: Form and Communication"

Figure "Typographic Design: Form and Communication"

"Typographic Design: Form and Communication" is a comprehensive book co-authored by Rob Carter, Ben Day, and Philip Meggs. It covers the principles and practice of typography in design. The book encompasses the history, aesthetics, and practical application of typography in visual communication. Highly regarded for its in-depth exploration of how typography influences and enhances design, it stands as a valuable resource for designers and students alike.


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