Digital Photography and Imaging | Project 2

1 Nov 2023 - 23 Nov 2023 | (Week 5 - Week 9)

Chan Xiang Lam | 0358400 

Digital Photography and Imaging  | Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 

Project 2 | Part 1 (Double Exposure) & Part 2 (Photo Manipulation)

    1. Lectures
    2. Instructions
    3. Practical
    4. Project 2
        - Part 1 | Double Exposure
        - Part 2 | Photo Manipulation


Week 5 | Double Exposure

Week 6  | Digital Imaging 

Week 9 | Cyborg Human Exercise

Week 10 | Flower face effect on portrait



Week 5
We learned how to create double exposure designs in Photoshop with guidance from Mr. Martin. This involved using advanced adjustment layer techniques like gradient maps and levels. We applied our skills, including the use of masking tools, to bring these designs to life. Double exposure images, traditionally captured with cameras, involve blending a portrait with a scenic background.

Fig. 5.1 Progress

Fig. 5.2 Progress

Fig. 5.3 Final outcome

Week 6
We learned how to recolor black and white images using Photoshop. The exercise was divided into three parts to test different Photoshop skills. We also covered the technique of recoloring using the Soft Light blending mode. Additionally, we discussed the brush tool in Photoshop, including size and hardness sliders, and selected the initial skin color for our project. Moving forward, we'll be applying these techniques to more complex tasks involving blending modes and masks.

Fig.5.1 before colouring

Fig. 5.2 Final outcome of recolouring

Week 7
We delved into using displacement maps in Photoshop to merge images creatively. We practiced three exercises to master this technique, creating unique combinations like turning  Jalur Gemilang into fabric texture, placing the Liverpool logo on a face, and adding giraffe skin to a cat. 

Fig. 7.1 Jalur Gemilang fabric texture

Fig. 7.2 Liverpool logo to face paint

Fig. 7.3Giraffe skin on cat

Week 9
We learned to transform humans into cyborgs by swapping parts of a leg with cyborg elements and crafting synthetic skin to match. The session followed a tutorial using new tools, divided into creating the prosthetic limb and generating synthetic skin.

Fig. 9.1 bora and metal skeleton image 

Fig. 9.2 Progress 

Fig. 9.3 Final outcome 


Part 1 | Double Exposure

In this task, our aim was to create our own double exposure effect using personal portraits and other images. We watched a tutorial video beforehand, so we had already grasped the operational process.

Fig.2.1.1 Reference on Pinterest
Images :
Fig.2.1.2 Images used for double exposure

Progress :

Firstly, I incorporated the forest into my photo, placing it both above my head and below my feet. I meticulously adjusted it until I was satisfied with the composition. Then, I added birds to fill in the empty spaces in the image. Lastly, I applied a black-and-white filter to complete my double exposure artwork.

Fig.2.1.3 Progress

Final Outcome of Double Exposure
Fig.2.1.3 Final Double Exposure
Fig.2.1.4 Final Double Exposure
Part 2 | Photo Manipulation

This task requires creating an impactful image by blending two objects that exhibit similarities in color, shape, or texture to evoke visual appeal and contemplation.

Reference :

Fig.2.2.1 Reference on Pinterest

Sketch : 

Fig. 2.2.2 Sketches 

Object Chosen :

Fig.2.2.3 Images found on Pinterest

Progress :

I started by using the Quick Selection Tool to refine the edges in mask mode. Next, I merged two photos and blended the garlic and duck images using the Brush Tool. Following this, I adjusted the brightness and contrast. Finally, I added shadows and a background, completing my photo manipulation piece.

Fig.2.2.4 Progress

Final Outcome of Photo Manipulation
Fig. 2.2.5 Final Photo Manipulation

Fig. 2.2.6 Final Photo Manipulation


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