Interactive Design | Final Project

 Jul 2024 - Jul 2024 | (Week 11 - Week  )
Chan Xiang Lam | 0358400 
Interactive Design | Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 
Final Project | 

Table Content
    1. Instructions
    2. Final Project
        - Progress
        - Final Outcome


Final Project 

Final Project |Creating a Single-Page Website

Create a single-page website on your favorite topic to enhance web design and development skills.

  1. Topic Selection: Choose a topic you are passionate about and define the site’s goal.
  2. Content: Include at least five sections: Introduction, Background/History, Main Features, Gallery/Multimedia, Testimonials, and a CTA button.
  3. Design Elements: Select a fitting color scheme and fonts, ensure a visually appealing, balanced, and responsive design.
  4. Navigation: Implement smooth scrolling or a simple menu for easy navigation.
  5. Interactivity: Add interactive elements like image sliders, hover effects, or lightboxes.


Before starting this project, I wanted to create a pet store website. I researched many pet-related websites for inspiration and ideas. After looking at various designs and features, I decided to go with my initial idea and chose a pet store website for my project. 

Fig.1.1 Research Ideas 

After that, I created a wireframe to sketch out my ideas. I planned the layout for each section, including the homepage introduction, pet showcase, customer reviews, photo gallery, and contact us. The wireframe helped me visualize the website's structure and design direction more clearly.

Fig.1.2 Sketches

After creating the entire page in Figma, I had it reviewed by my instructor before starting to write the code. The feedback from my instructor was to keep it simple, use only two fonts, and ensure they are easy to read.

Fig.1.3 figma progress

Fig.1.4 figma progress

I watched many tutorials to help me complete my HTML. These tutorials covered various topics such as basic HTML structure, responsive design techniques, and advanced features. Specifically, I used a tutorial from CodePen to complete the gallery section of my website. This tutorial provided clear instructions and examples, enabling me to create a polished and functional gallery.

Fig.1.5 gallery layout

Final Outcome

Final Single-Page Website Link: Netliyf link


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