Video and Sound Production | Project 2

 Apr 2024 -  2024 | (Week   - Week  )
Chan Xiang Lam | 0358400 
Design Principles | Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 
Project 2 | Shooting Practise & Editing

Table Content
    1. Instructions
    2. Project 2 | Shooting Practise & Editing
        - Part 1 : Sound Dubbing
        - Part 2 : TikTok/Insta video


Project 2 | Part 1

Part 1 | Production Shoot

For this task, we need to:

  • Collaborate in groups to capture video using a DSLR or smartphone.
  • Editing:
  • Individually edit the videos using Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Audition.

Submission Requirements:
  • Export the finished videos.
  • Upload the videos to YouTube or Google Drive.
  • Provide the video links in your ePortfolio.
  • Work effectively with your group during shooting.
  • Utilize Adobe software to create polished, professional videos.
  • Ensure all video links are correctly submitted in your ePortfolio by the deadline.

    In week 5, our teacher taught us some filming techniques, including how to use lighting, composition, and stabilizing the camera. After that, the teacher helped us form groups, and I was assigned to Group3. 

Fig.2.1.1 Group 3

    We then held a meeting to assign specific roles. We determined the positions of Producer, Director, Assistant Director, D.O.P, Actress, Art Director, Location Sound, and Boom Operator. Each of us clearly understood our tasks and responsibilities. Through this division of labor, we were well-prepared for the filming in week 6, and we also developed a detailed shooting plan and schedule.

Fig.2.1.2 Storyboard

     Week 6, we started working on our roles and began filming. The Producer managed the schedule, the Director guided the scenes, the Assistant Director handled logistics, the D.O.P took care of the camera work, the Art Director set up the scenes, the Actress performed, and the Location Sound specialist and Boom Operator recorded the audio. Everyone did their part well.

Fig.2.1.3 BTS #1

Fig.2.1.4 BTS #2

Fig.2.1.4 BTS #3

We spent approximately 4 hours completing the shoot. Even though it was tiring, we stayed professional and made sure each shot was good. By the end, we were very tired, but seeing the results made it all worth it. The experience helped us work better as a team, and we were proud of what we achieved.

Progress :

    In week 7, we each began using Adobe Premiere Pro to edit our videos according to the task requirements, aiming to turn our footage into a movie trailer. This process involved several steps, such as trimming and arranging clips, adding transitions, and enhancing the overall flow of the video.

Fig.2.1.5 footage 

First, I imported all the video clips into the software and adjusted the audio to sync with the visuals, ensuring the sound levels were balanced. Next, I performed color correction to match the visual tone with the intended atmosphere of the trailer. By adjusting the brightness, contrast, and color balance, I created a professional and cinematic look.

Fig.2.1.6 Process #1

Fig.2.1.7 Process #2

After completing the editing and color grading, I added special effects and text to enhance the trailer's visual appeal. Finally, I included sound effects and background music to further enhance the trailer's impact.

Fig.2.1.7 Process #3

Final Outcome :

Project 2 | Part 2

Part 2 | TikTok/Insta video

For this exercise, create a short, engaging TikTok/Instagram video that aligns with current trends. 


    1. Proposal
  • Write down your ideas and concepts.
  • Outline your thoughts clearly in the proposal.
    2. Theme and Music
  • Choose a compelling theme.
  • Select music that complements your theme.
    3. Planning
  • Create a detailed storyboard.
  • Plan each scene and transition.
    4. Shooting
  • Use various shooting techniques (angles, movements).
  • Incorporate special effects and diverse locations.
    5. Editing
  • Ensure smooth transitions.
  • Add text overlays and filters for visual appeal.
    6. Posting
  • Upload the video to TikTok/Instagram/Youtube.

TikTok / Insta Proposal



Over the past week, I dedicated my time to shooting the video for my Instagram/TikTok project. I began by carefully selecting various locations to keep the video visually interesting and dynamic. The process was quite challenging, particularly when ensuring smooth transitions between different actions. Some scenes required multiple takes to achieve the desired flow. 

Fig.2.2.1 Video clips taken

Additionally, capturing the right angles while maintaining consistency across different shots proved to be difficult. Despite these challenges, I managed to complete the shooting phase. 


Next, I will focus on editing the video to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing final product, adding text overlays and filters to enhance the overall presentation.

Fig.2.2.2 progress #1

Fig.2.2.3 progress #2

Fig.2.2.4 progress #3

Final Outcome


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